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Sex, the uppermost point of the IP. Sex, in our heads and in our bodies. Run it up and down, from the head to the cunt, the cunt to the head... that is the way Sex naturally runs, from my head to my cunt and back up again, a pulsating desire, coursing through my body, my veins, my skin.

Sex is more than sex, more than body against body, sweat and skin and come. Sex is all that, but it is also more than that. It is the root digging deeply into the earth, and the sprout bursting through the soil to catch rain and sun. It is the tingle through a woman's breast when she nurses. It is desire, that transformed nothing in Something, that which drew God Herself into Her Great Being.

What is Sex for me? For me, sex has been a tool. A tool to get attention. A tool to bring me pleasure. A tool for getting what I want. Sometimes the sex is what I want, but I have also used it for manipulating men. I have drawn them into sex to get what I want because they cannot seem to resist it. I have used it to feel powerful. I have used it to feel beautiful. I have used it to get others to tell me I am beautiful or wonderful.

I've used sex to make other people. Not on purpose. I have two beautiful and charming children, who I got, of course, from having sex. They are the reason we call the Sex point the Sex point... Sex is The Source. The Source of Life, of Being. This is why Sex and death are so strangely related... one bring life, the other ends it.

Sex has been a journey, too. From saying I would never French kiss a boy (or girl) in the sixth grade--I thought it was "like spitting in each others' mouths! Yech!"--to discovering jerking off, BDSM, queerness, genderplay, polyamoury, and more, sex has been a journey of self-discovery. What do I like? Why do I like it? What does it mean?

Where is Sex in my life now? Well, I get myself off pretty regularly. At least every couple of days, often more. I'm learning to connect with the Gods this way as well. The sex is kind of dead--or sleeping, perhaps--in my primary relationship right now, and that's something I'm trying to work on. I complained so long about the lack of sex in my relationship that I didn't notice that I lost my sexual connection to my partner. Now when he wants sex, I find myself shutting down, reluctant, confused, tense. We have to woo back the sex with words, caresses, kisses. This is a part of my Sex work right now, to build the Sex in my relationship back up. To this end, I will build an altar in the bedroom my lover and I share. I will also come up with some kind of daily practice that can help my lover and I get our sexual relationship back.

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