Thursday, September 30, 2004

Witches Weekly: Dreams


Witches Weekly for the week of September 25, 2004

Do you believe dreams are ever symbolic?

Of course! Dreams are not always fraught with meaning; however, dreams are one way for my Fetch to talk to me, uninhibited by Talker. It's also a way the ancestors or gods may speak to us, so I do feel it's important for Witches to nurture dreams and to pay attention to them.

How do you interpret dreams? Do you feel some are scenes from past lives? Future premonitons? Hidden thoughts and feelings?

I don't think I dream about past lives much, if at all. Not because I have no past lives, but because I don't really care that much about them. Jeez, I can barely figure out what's going on in this life!

I have had some dreams that were premonitions, but mainly they seem to be about my hidden thoughts and feelings, or about that which I need (or don't need) in my life. If my dream is confusing to me, I can work it over with my covenmates, investigate it using Tarot, or do trance about the dream.

What do you feel was your most symbolic/meaningful dream?

I don't know if it's my most meaningful dream ever, but a couple of years ago I was pretty crushed out on a co-worker, and we were flirting a bit, and it was really getting to me. One night I dreamed that my partner kept asking me to close a certain door in our home. When I woke up, it was very clear to me which "door" I needed to close in order to to protect my marriage!

Another one that stands out in my mind is a dream I had a few times when I was pregnant with my second child. It wasn't the exact same dream, but the theme was consistent. In my dreams, my first child (who was about 2 and a half years old at the time) was unsupervised and getting into dangerous situations. One I recall involved us both being on the construction site of a tall building. In my dream, she would be in danger, or hurt, but I was busy with something else (this, too, varied from dream to dream) and could not help her. The dreams were very alarming for me. It became clear to me that I was doubting my ability to care for two children. I was afraid that with the new baby, I would no longer be a good enough parent to my daughter.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Open Debates

Open Debates

Did you know that the rules of the Presidential debates are determined by the bipartisan (as opposed to nonpartisan) Commission on Presidential Debates. This is how we get a 32-page Memorandum of Agreement that regulates every detail of the debate, restrains debate moderators, and effectively cripples the process. The candidates cannot even address each other, for Pete's sake!

We need real debates to be able to make real decisions. I urge you to do your part to open the debates.

Et tu, Brokaw?

Brokaw Broadcasts "Bible Ban" BS

September 28, 2004

On the September 24 NBC Nightly News, Tom Brokaw gave this brief report:

"The Republican National Committee now has acknowledged sending mass mailings to two states that say liberals want to ban the Bible. Republican Party officials say the mailings in Arkansas and West Virginia are aimed at mobilizing Christian voters for President Bush. Some Christian commentators say liberal support for same-sex marriage could lead to laws that punish sermons denouncing homosexuality as sinful."

It's clear how one should describe the claim that "liberals want to ban the Bible": It's a lie, and a blatant and incendiary one. But not only does Brokaw not tell his viewers that the RNC smear isn't true, he gives "Christian commentators" a chance to justify that deceit with another, that gay marriage could lead to censorship of sermons. Why does such an unsubstantiated and frankly bizarre claim deserve space on a national newscast?

Meanwhile, the victims of the lie don't get any chance to speak in Brokaw's report; the entire item is sourced either to Republicans or to the religious right.

It's a crucial function of journalism during an election campaign to expose and correct political distortions. Brokaw's report did nothing to set the record straight, however, but simply served to amplify the RNC's dirty tricks, while lending to the false claims whatever credibility NBC has. The election is too important for this kind of lazy and destructive journalism.

ACTION: Please call Tom Brokaw and tell him that it's a journalist's job to correct lies, not to give them national distribution.

NBC Nightly News
Phone: (212) 664-4971

What in the hell could he be thinking?!?

Friday, September 24, 2004

Republicans Admit Mailing Campaign Literature Saying Liberals Will Ban the Bible

I know I posted a blurb about this yesterday, but this is really one of the most ridiculous assertions I've ever heard. Yes, I--an admitted liberal--want to legalize same-sex marriage. But I don't want to ban any book... not even a historically doubtful tome seething with sex and violence (the Bible). The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Republicans Admit Mailing Campaign Literature Saying Liberals Will Ban the Bible

Blogroll update

Well, I couldn't get my Blogroll to work, so I created another account, used that code, and all seems to be working fine now.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Is it here yet, is it here yet?!?

The new Witch Eye is done! Hooray!

Religion and Politics

A bit of religious news, excerpted from The Interfaith Alliance newsletter...

TIA President Says Church Politicking Bill Turns Houses Of Worship Into Campaign Halls

"Religion is striking a high profile in the 2004 campaign. But there are those eager to see it take on a much larger role - both now and in the future. More than 130 members of the US House of Representatives want to amend the law that prohibits partisan activity - such as political rallies, fundraisers, distribution of political literature, and direct endorsements from the pulpit - by pastors and houses of worship. They hope to do this by inserting a provision into a bill that is already before a House-Senate conference committee - thus avoiding public debate or votes in either body...."Imagine having a church meeting in which people try to decide which candidate to endorse," says the Rev. C. Welton Gaddy of the Interfaith Alliance. "Clergy are responsible to interpret aspects of our lives from the perspective of scriptures, but that's different from bestowing divine blessing on a candidate."" (The Christian Science Monitor, "Does US law mute voices of churches?," 09-23-04) READ FULL ARTICLE

National GOP To West Virginia Voters: Liberals Will Ban Bibles If Elected
"Campaign mail with a return address of the Republican National Committee warns West Virginia voters that the Bible will be prohibited and men will marry men if liberals win in November. The literature shows a Bible with the word "BANNED" across it and a photo of a man, on his knees, placing a ring on the hand of another man with the word "ALLOWED." The mailing tells West Virginians to "vote Republican to protect our families" and defeat the "liberal agenda."" (AP, "GOP Mailing Warns Liberals Will Ban Bibles," 09-17-04) READ FULL ARTICLE - READ THE INTERFAITH ALLIANCE'S RESPONSE

Founded in 1994, The Interfaith Alliance (TIA) is a non-partisan, clergy-led grassroots organization dedicated to promoting the positive and healing role of religion in the life of the nation and challenging those who manipulate religion to promote a narrow, divisive agenda. With more than 150,000 members drawn from over 70 faith traditions, 47 local Alliances and a national network of religious leaders, TIA promotes compassion, civility and mutual respect for human dignity in our increasingly diverse society.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Fall Gardening

Yesterday was the Fall Equinox, as you may know. I did a little unplanned gardening.

A couple of weeks ago, I picked up some basil that was on sale at a local shop, but the moon was waning and the weather was cooler and rougher than it normally is at this time of year, so I hadn't yet planted. I was thinking of keeping it potted over the winter and planting it in the spring, but it clearly was not very happy in the pot. It seemed to want to be in the ground, so yesterday in it went. Basil is an annual, so I'll have to get some organic mulch on it too, if I hope for it to survive the winter. But I live in USDA Zone 8, so sometimes annuals here act like perennials.

I also moved several small thyme clumps from various garden patches to a single large container at my back doorstep.

I laid down some black plastic around the rosemary bush to keep down weeds over the winter. The basil and oregano also got black plastic around them. I finally got some stakes up to surround the mugwort, which always grows huge in the summer, falling down over the other herbs and generally making a big mess. I still need to get some kind of twine around the stakes, but the stakes are certainly a step in the right direction. I don't have to mulch around the mugwort or lemon balm because they are much too fierce for weeds to mess around with them. These herbs love to grow big and strong! Each year, I spend part of my gardening time pulling their babies up from other spots in the garden.

A few bulbs I missed when I harvested my garlic were sprouting again already, so I pulled them up, separated them, and replanted them. The cloves are small, but I hope to manage a bit of garlic out of them anyway.

I still need to harvest a bit of the rosemary, and my sage is just enormous this year. I'll cut some of that for drying in the next day or two.

Photo of my herb garden to come!

Blogroll problems continue....

OK, so Blogrolling support swears the problems are fixed, but I still couldn't get my blogroll to work. I even deleted my old code, pasted in new code, and republished, but no dice. So, I've created my own links list and a separate blog list. I'll adjust my blogroll and paste the code in again to see if I can't get it to work, because I really like the convenience of Blogrolling, and plus it lets me know when things get updated.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Technical Crap: Blogroll Problems

Sorry, but my blogroll's down. Blogrolling recently did some server moving and seems to be having some problems still. Just a reminder to me that I really need to create normal link lists in my template.

Creating ritual

What work do I need to create a ritual for now?

It interests me immediately that there are a minor arcana, a court card and a major arcana here.

Card 1: 7 of Disks: Failure. In isolation, the work has suffered/suffocated. This card speaks to a loss of power, the flow of life energy being blocked. Fear of failure is here, too. As Saturn in Taurus, this card can also indicate physical restrictions or financial constraints. Can be overly routine or lack inspiration. I think this card refers to my issues around failure: my fear of failing, my fear of taking risks. These fears keep me bound, prevent me from acting in accordance with my Will. This is what I need to release in ritual.

Card 2: Queen of Wands. This card has come up a lot for me this year. The Queen is powerful, full of spirit and life force. She is unafraid to be herself, larger than life, fertile and strong. She has her hand on the leopard at her side, which to me, indicates that she is "in touch" with and "in control" of her animal side, her Fetch, her emotions and instincts. Maybe not so much in control of it... her just being in touch with her animal self and aware of its needs seems right to me in this case. I strive to claim my passion and power!

Card 3: The Star. To me, this card indicates Grace... a state of blessing, the gods looking out for us and clearing a part of the path. The right action at the right time.

So, the magic I need to do relates to moving from a Saturn-in-Taurus mindset, the 7 of Disks, to a Queen-of-Wands state of being. My gods will bless and assist me in this work.

I can do a cleansing and make kala to rid myself of fears. But how to claim my power, like the Queen of Wands? How to stand up and be bigger? One thing I can do is to work with Thorn's IP movements. Perhaps some kind of art project will manifest. What does power look like? What does my life look like if I grasp my power? Perhaps trance work is most appropriate. I could visit with the Queen of Wands and seek her advice. I could visit with my Beloved One and seek his advice. It occurs to me that my souls must be aligned for this work as well. I cannot get to my own real power if my souls are not in alignment.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Book Review: The Circle Within

The Circle Within by Dianne Sylvan was a pleasant surprise. Published by Llewellyn, this book is described as a guide to creating a personal practice. I was introduced to the importance of personal practice through my training, but, particularly for witches who have little or no formal trainng, this may not be as familiar a concept as it ought to be.

Although easy-to-read and accessible to beginning witches, The Circle Within is not a Wicca 101 book. It does not go over basic religious beliefs, elemental correspondences, or the like. There is even some material here to recommend it to advanced practioners. I particularly like her meditation for opening the heart to the gods.

One of the highlights of the book is Sylvan's discussion of how vital a personal practice really is. There is little that bothers me as much as "weekend" witches; those who are witches during festivals and witchcamps and the like. These kinds of practioners (or non-practioners, really) dumb down our religion and often offer little to the community. However, there is no need to live your daily life disconnected from your faith.

The author gives solid advice for developing a relationship with Deity, creating altar and temple space, and creating personal rituals. There is a "Book of Moonlight" as a smaller, second section of ritual and prayer outlines, although Sylvan makes the crucial point that all rituals and prayers ought to be personalized by the witch using them. In short, I heartily recommend this book for any witch looking for resources on developing a personal practice.

Witches Weekly: The Environment

The Environment
Witches Weekly for the week of September 18, 2004

Your single best environmental tip?

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Also, compost.

How do you justify (to yourself) your use of things that you believe are bad for the environment (coal, oil, gasoline, etc)?

I do use things that are harmful to the environment, but I also have to live in the modern-day United States, and certain things are realities. I do the best I can in the circumstances in which I live. For example, in our area, the electric company offers a renewable energy option, under which you pay just slightly more for wind power or other renewable forms of energy. I don't plan to buy a new car for several more years, but I intend to buy a gas-electric hybrid when the time comes.

What one thing would you be willing to give up (or reduce consumption of drastically) to improve the global environment? What one thing wouldn't you give up?

I would reduce my meat consumption. I was vegetarian for 9 years, but started eating meat again because of my family. Basically, my partner and children all choose to eat meat, and I go along. I would certainly eat less meat for the environment, and may give it up altogether again after the kids grow up. Don't make a martyr out of me, like I'm eating meat just for my family... I like meat, and right now, it makes life more simple if I eat it.

I could not reasonably give up driving, as I have two children to tote around, and public transportation to my work takes approximately 6 times as long as driving (I can drive in 10 minutes, but it would take an hour or more on the bus). If I'm in better physical condition next year, I would consider riding my bike to work in the summer.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Work

What is my work now? Throughout my initiation journey thus far, my biggest struggle has been with my own commitment. Am I willing to do what it takes, or should I just go back to bed?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just beating up on myself too much, not giving myself credit for the work I have done. But, I also know that this commitment is difficult for me. I want things to be easy. I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid of trying. I want to make jokes at inappropriate moments, make light of that which is serious or real. I distance myself and try to keep things from being too real. Yet I feel empty when I'm distanced and distracted; I want my life to feel real. I feel so disconnected sometimes, and I long for connection. But connection takes commitment, striving, work, and risk-taking. Those things are things I typically avoid. I've never really worked hard at things. That's probably not completely true, but mostly. I leap into things, never looking too far ahead, looking only at what's immediately in front of me, only the most imminent goals.

When I was young, maybe 9 or 10 or 11, I went swimming with my sisters at a local public pool. I climbed up the high dive, and stood at the end of the board. I'd never jumped from something quite this high. I felt afraid, frozen. With a line of kids behind me, urging me to go, the moments I stood there stretched out... and then I realized that it would only take me a moment to jump, an instant to make a decision that would then be irrevocable. It was simple, really. I only had to step off, and then it would be too late to change anything. I jumped on the board, and off I went, sailing through the air with my eyes clenched shut and then splashing down into the water. I had done it!

So this has been my way ever since. I see what I want to do, and step through the fear to do something irrevocable. Like asking for initiation. But then, when there is more to do, after I have stepped off into the void, I am lost. I stepped into the void by asking for initiation more than 3 years ago, and I sometimes wonder if I am any closer at all. I'm sure I must be, but I'm certainly not there.

My thoughts about initiation have changed much since I first asked for it. I thought it was a goal; now I see that the Work is the goal. Initiation is only a beginning. I will be ready for initiation when I am truly ready to begin my Work in earnest; yet getting ready to begin my Work is a Work in itself.

To be ready to begin, to be ready for initiation, I must commit with my whole heart. I must learn how to know myself. I must hack away those parts of myself which will not serve me, and feed the parts of myself that do serve me.

To this end, I promise to do this work. I will continue my devotional work to MT, and I will strengthen my efforts. I will sit for at least 15 minutes each morning, making offerings, aligning my souls, praying, listening. I will bless and drink water each day, remembering myself and blessing myself with each drink. I will give thanks and bless my food before eating. I will strive to be honest with myself. I will open: Open me, open me, open me.

Witches Weekly: Mentoring Youths

Mentoring Youths
Witches Weekly for the week of September 11, 2004

This week's questions mostly donated by: Ceri

At what age do you feel it's appropriate for a young person to begin performing witchcraft on their own (I.E., without guidance), and why? What about rituals?

It depends on how you define "performing witchcraft," in my opinion. If you mean doing simple, earth-based magic, there is no age that is too young. I remember removing a wart from my hand with magic before I was 10 or so. (The magic involved rubbing a leaf on the wart, saying a litttle chant, and burying the leaf.) I suspect that a young person working from basic books or her own instincts is unlikely to get in over her own head. She may make mistakes, to be sure, but nothing she couldn't survive and learn something from, if so inclined. Rituals seem the same way to me: anything she can cook up on her own is likely to be reasonably safe.

How would you determine if someone was mature enough to mentor?

I think you really have to talk with someone and spend some time with them to get a good idea of their maturity level. I would talk with her about her beliefs, practices, and goals. I would read the cards. I would sit with the question, and listen.

What qualities in a student would prevent you from mentoring them?

Lack of commitment would be at the top of my list. Also, the personal chemistry would need to be right. I would not formally mentor anyone younger than 18 without their parents' permission, though I might give them some general advice. I don't need trouble with freaked-out or bigoted parents!

Cranky witch

I drew a Tarot card this morning, asking, "What is my Work for today?"

I got the 7 of Disks: Failure.

So I'm at work, and there's too much to do, but I'm focused and doing OK. I'm looking out for "failure" to concentrate at work, a common problem for me. Then at my lunch break, I couldn't decide what to do. Go to a cafe and read? Visit a friend? Nap in my car? I went to a cafe in town, had a latte, read and journaled. That was nice, although I'd kind of wasted some time deciding what to do and driving about. On the way back to the office, I stopped at a fast-food drive-through for a fish sandwich. I was waiting in line, and someone cut me off coming in the other driveway. It pissed me off! I got out and told her she'd cut me off, but she said, no, she was there first. She was not--I saw her drive up! Grrr. I gave up on waiting in line at that point, and drove back to work, following a "W '04" stickered car most of the way back. That makes me feel angry too.

Accept the angriness, the feeling of being cheated out of lunch because someone cut me off. Know that my goofing around also led to the missed meal. With more time, it wouldn't have mattered if someone cut me off in the queue. The failure of indecision. The failure of holding my temper, not letting my emotions get the best of me. I try to fully feel my anger, and then release it. Perhaps today's lesson is about dealing with lost opportunities.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


This work came to me via a Reclaiming related email list. I will participate in this work, and encourage other witches--especially Reclaiming Trad witches--to participate as well. I do not know Alia personally, but wish to thank her and her fellow witches for this spell. (Links added by me.)

The "Yes" Counterspell, an individual and collective creation inspired and designed by Alia as a direct response to the mainstream Culture of Fear and the current state of socio-political Deadness. It is intended to augment the Spell for a World of Peace and Justice established during the Dandelion Gathering. We country folk felt the timing for this spell would be appropriate considering all that which is happening in NYC this weekend.

If you like what you see please consider sending it on to other list-serves.

Blessing to us all in these amazing times. May we collect our precious moments of joy and send the juice of our cauldrons forward to where they are needed most!

Spellworking for November Election: The Cauldron of Life

The Cauldron of Life is a personal and collective spellworking that we have created as part of building and sharing energy in our Reclaiming collective for our magic making and political actions for the November elections. It is meant as a support to the collective spellwork of the Dandelion Gathering.

The essence of this magic is simple and powerful - the counterspell to the deadening force/spell of our mainstream world (of which Bush et al. are supreme agents for) is for each of us to say Yes to the deepest currents of creation, joy, love, life, power, passion that run through and surround us in this overwhelmingly beautiful, abundant and gracious place called Earth. Core to this spellworking is the conscious choice of Yes to life while fully naming, taking responsibility for, and standing in resistance to the deadness spell – on the personal and collective levels.

It is from our standing naked and open in the depth of the horror and sickness of our species that the tide can turn at its deepest source, and we can begin to banish the deadness spell by crying out and calling to life. It is from our rising personal and collective passion for life that we can consciously choose and commit ourselves to the Yes counterspell and its tremendous transformational powers, and that we can build the energy to overthrow the powers of deadness and domination in our own souls and in our world.

[Below are] the details of the Cauldron of Life spellworking for personal and collective magic making. The spell format is easy to integrate into your everyday life, and can be done alone or with a group. Add your own creative impulses to expand and bring complexity to this basic structure.

bb Alia, Myria and birch……..

The Cauldron of Life Individual Spellworking

Place a cauldron on your altar or in some special place.

Every time you have a "Yes to Life" experience, send this energy into your cauldron. These experiences can be anything that vibrates with the juicy, wondrous, joyful, sensual, creative pulse of life.

Every time you name and work against the deadness spell of the mainstream world, send this energy into your cauldron. This can be anything that is a naming, resisting and reclaiming in the face of the deadness spell, either in your own life or in the collective.

Sending energy can be just taking a moment, no matter where you are or what you are doing, to first fully take in/ingest the energy of the moment into your Self (inner cauldron) and then to direct this energy to your outer cauldron. It is taking that moment to affirm and make conscious, make visible, make palatable, the power of life in both the everyday and the profound – be it a political action, a moment of personal revelation and healing, a personal creation or appreciation of someone else’s creation, a beautiful sunset, a child’s touch, a delicious meal, a great orgasm….. the possibilities are endless because life is so gorgeous. It is a conscious recognition, drinking in and choosing of life in the face of the deadness spell that oppresses this planet and it many inhabitants.

Share your Cauldron of Life stories with others. In the face of an overwhelming mainstream media presence of fear, death, greed, horror, lies, crazy making…. Spread stories and energy of life, personal power, truth, juice, creation, joy….

Know that the Cauldron of Life is the alchemical meeting of the Deadness Spell and the Yes Counterspell. Both must be named, owned, made conscious, made visible. We witches hold the tension between these opposite forces, these opposite choices of Life and Deadness – the magic and personal/global transformation we seek to midwife as witches comes from stirring all of this into our brew, while always allying ourselves with the powers of Life.

Collective Spellworking

From the Dandelion Gathering spellworkings, we were asked to charge and then plant crystals in the Earth (June Full Moon) to create a web of light and energy linking members of the Reclaiming community.

To join our personal Cauldron of Life spellworkings to the Reclaiming collective, plant your crystal (if you haven’t already done so) and charge it with the intent of working with the Reclaiming Collective on the November elections, and with the intent to do Yes Counterspell magic. Call in heavy duty protection and invisibility from your Guides and Allies. Call in our Allies and open portals for the Power of Life to join us in this magic making. Activate your crystal as a node on the Reclaiming web.

Take your personal Cauldron of Life and when it is filled up with energy and power, pour it into your crystal node. In doing so, you are stirring your spellworking into the collective Cauldron so that we all can source, share and build up energy with our human and our Mysterious Ones allies. Warning from Hecate – you can breath in the vapors and you can source from this cauldron, but do not drink or touch the brew (unless you are specifically directed to do so).

This work can be done alone or with community groups sharing stories and doing ritual together. In all our workings, our Allies and the Powers of Life are just waiting for invitations to work together and for energy portals to be opened for them to join us.

Any other spellworking and political action you do in relation to the November election can be added to your crystal node, and stirred into our magical Cauldron. In the creative chaos of following our personal and group impulses for magic and action, we can build a complex and invincible base of magical energy and power. Together, human and Mysterious Ones, we can create a tidal wave of Life which no part of the Deadness Spell will be able to withstand.

Examples of info. coming through this spellworking

Individual work: “Let us never more be overcome by the pain and suffering and horror that can be life. Let us never more forget that these are but one set of choices, and other choices, life giving and life creating, and love making forces, can be unleashed in the place called Earth. And let us never forget that life and creation is the source of All, that it knows no equal in the Universe, and nothing can hold it back when the soul of one individual chooses Life, with no doubt and no looking back. Let us ally ourselves with those that call to Life. And in doing so, let us not gloss over the powers of death and despair and fear all around us. Let us name them, let us make clear their foothold in our lives, in our world, in our souls. Let us not be afraid to show them in the light of day, while staying firmly grounded evermore in the crossroads of change, of choice, of life calling to life.”

Collective work: In their singing others came across that invisible void – first in ones and twos, and then in droves. Until the whole green grass was alive with dancing, singing, Shining beings. Good…. there are enough of us to begin. And one by one, sister to sister, and brother to brother, they joined hands and sang in unison. Sang with a depth and power that shattered all around them. Their singing brewed up a storm of such strength and ferocity that nothing could withstand it. Then as one unified group, they walked forward, back through the invisible barrier. And as they did so the green world and grass, and the brilliance of the new dawn light came with them, turning all that was gray and lifeless to light. And the barrier that divided the two worlds caught on them, like threads of a spider’s web – fine and delicate, and so easily torn asunder. And then it was gone, the barrier was gone, and the light poured through. Like water breaking through a long standing dam. And it poured forth, carrying them and their laughter, like bright diamonds in a bleak world. And nothing could stop this outpouring of water, and light, and song, and joy.”

So Mote it Be!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

National Witches' Day of Prayer

I received this from a local email list, but can't seem to find any other references online. I have not yet decided whether to participate in this working. The contact for this work is

National Witches Days of Prayer

Who? Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, Druids, Root-Workers, Magickians, Hoodooist, Conjurors, and Earth-Based Practitioners of all Traditions We Wish to Invite You to Join Us in the National Witches Days of Prayer.

When? Starting October 31, 2004 through November 2, 2004

What? "A Rolling Spell" that Spiritualists can participate in. The spell will be performed on specific days and at specific times a day. Spiritual Practitioners will choose from seven specific
times a day so that somewhere in the nation Practitioners will be performing spells at the same time and conjuring energy for the national prayer.

Why? This is a dark time in our nation's history. There are forces in the U.S. that are negatively affecting our civil liberties, peace from wars, our rights to choose, our rights to vote, the environment of our Mother Earth, our economic health, our choices in life partners, health care, foreign relations and diplomacy, education of our children, our religious choices and so much more. This is a chance for us to make a difference. As things are going, we may not have another chance.

On August 28th and 29th marches began in New York against the Republican Convention. We are asking that you join us to begin our own "Spiritual March" to release the negative forces that
are darkening our nation, and to help us find balance once again. Our goal is to pray for "Divine Spiritual Guidance" so that we choose "the right person to be President of the United States" on November 2, 2004. This choice will not only affect the people of the U.S. but it will also affect the people of the world. The leader we choose here will also be the world leader. All nations will depend on the choice that we make in November.

How? Those who wish to participate in the prayer will start on the date(s) of their choice between October 31st (Samhain) through November 2nd (Voting Day). Then they can choose the time period that is convenient for them. They can choose between the seven time periods
of: 6:15 am; 8:30 am; 12:30 pm; 3:00 pm; 7:00 pm; 9:00 pm or 12:00 midnight. This will allow participants to be in sync with others in prayer and allow the prayers to be in a continuous "rolling" sequence, time after time and day after day. Practitioners can participate as often as they wish. In other words, they may pray multiple times a day, and as many of the three days that they wish.

Tools to Be Used: The given chant is all that is necessary to participate. However, any Practical Magick such as: Root-workings, Circles, Candle-workings(white for hope, green for prosperity, brown for grounding the nation, gold for success, candles are highly recommended), rituals, ritual tools of Practitioner's tradition are welcome. We only ask that:

1) The spell work is positive.
2) The spell will not be directed toward any specific individual or group.
3) If a Practitioner truly knows who is best for the country it is not necessary for a name to be mentioned. Give way to the judgment of the Divine.
4) Participants will repeat the following chant at least 3 times as a cohesive binder to make potent all spells casted:

On This Hour We Call Upon The Universal Power

***As Many We Speak in One True Voice
***United We Pray for the Nation's Choice.

***Earth Rain Fire Wind
***Take Evil From Our Country, Let Peace and Prosperity In.

***Distinguish Between He Who is Man and Mouse
***Only The Best for Our Country May Reign Our Nation's House.

***So Mote It Be

We sincerely hope that you join us in our first National Witches Days of Prayer.
If you have any questions feel free to email us at:

Monday, September 13, 2004

What God Herself might look like...

When I came back out there was a strange light in the kitchen, as if there was a film of silver over everything, like frost only smoother, like water running thinly down over flat stones; and then my eyes were opened and I knew it was because God had come into the house and this was the silver that covered Heaven. God had come in because God is everywhere, you can't keep him out, he is part of everything there is, so how could you ever build a wall or four walls or a door or a shut window, that he could not walk through as if it was air. -- from Alias Grace, by Margaret Atwood

Friday, September 10, 2004

Please, please, please...

Tell me this is not real!

Date to Save - Missionary Dating Ministry Web Page

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Vigil tonight for fallen soldiers

There will be candlelight vigils all across the country this evening for the more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq. Check to find one near you.

May there be peace and an end to suffering.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Putting the "mental" back into Fundamentalism...

Here are quotes from a few Fundamentalists, explaining what Christianity means to them:

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle ... I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"-- Jerry Falwell, speaking about the September 11 terrorist attacks, The 700 Club

"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist." -- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club

"(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." --Pat Robertson, The Washington Post

"Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism." --Randall Terry, Indiana News Sentinel

"Women are less equipped physically to 'stay on course' in the brawling areas of business, commerce, industry, and the professions." --Pat Buchanan, San Francisco Chronicle
Quotes courtesy of mail I received from The Interfaith Alliance.

Apocalypse Bush!

Apocalypse Bush!
Why care for the planet when the End Times are almost here? Vote Bush and hop on the salvation train!

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, September 8, 2004

This is the great thing about rabid fundamentalism. You really just don't have to give a damn.

Take the environment. I mean, isn't it just a little pointless to care so damn deeply about the air and the soil and the water and the stupid little disposable animals on this silly spinning ball of expendable rock when the Second Coming is imminent and a blood-soaked fire-breathin' Jesus who looks remarkably like Mel Gibson will return very soon to smite the heathens and the gays and the vegetarians and the Francophiles, and who will rescue all those who worship patriarchy and country music and blue-chip oil portfolios? You're goddamn right it is.

Look. This much has become clear. Bush is, more than anything else, an extreme fundamentalist Christian. He is widely regarded as the most openly pious and sanctimonioous president in modern American history. He actually preaches the GOP screed in evangelical churches across America. He panders so slavishly to the anti-choicers and the Bible-thumpers and the homophobes it makes Jerry Falwell swoon and giggle.

And Bush actually says, out loud, that God speaks through him, and that God is on our side we bomb the living crap out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that it is the Almighty's wish that we take control of these angry pip-squeak nations and in so doing kill thousands of civilians and tens of thousands of young Iraqi soldiers, as over 1,000 American soldiers are now dead over a makeshift cause that never really existed. God wanted it this way, that's why.

Bush has called Jesus his "favorite philosopher." He has claimed that the act of being "born-again" saved him from a long, sad life of vaguely homoerotic frat parties and repetitive binge drinking and going AWOL from the National Guard, all so he could turn his full attention to righteously ruining multiple businesses and then making Texas the most murderous and polluted state in the union.

But, you know, why stop there? (Click to read the rest)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Witches Weekly: Teachers and Training

Teachers and Training
Witches Weekly for the week of September 5, 2004

1. What kind of training (if any) have you had in your chosen spiritual path (workshops, seminary, coven, courses, etc.)?

My first "real" training was in the Reclaiming Tradition. I went to my first Witchcamp nearly 10 years ago, and took Elements there. I also took a local Elements class with several friends not long after my return. I was eager for formal training, as all I really had at that time was book-larnin', and friends with little or no more experience than I had. At this point, I've taken the Reclaiming "core classes," with the exception of Rites of Passage. I'll probably take it next time it's offered in my area. I've also been to several more Witchcamps, a year-long Witchcraft Apprenticeship, grounded in Reclaiming with dribs and drabs of Feri, and recently completed a two-year Feri Tradition training with T. Thorn Coyle.

2. Who have been the people who have influenced you the most along your spiritual path?

My first major influence was probably Scott Cunningham. Yes, I know. Cunningham has been maligned in some of the Pagan community for being too "fluffy," or simple, or whatever. Cunningham's work is simple, but as a beginner, it was good, basic, Earth-based magic. This is not necessarily the kind of work I'm engaged in now, but I still use some of his books for reference (such as Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs). Basic, but useful.

The work of Judy Harrow and Proteus Coven has been an influence on me from the Gardenerian side of things, even though I'm not much inclined to Gardnerianism myself.

Starhawk has been more of an indirect influence on me. Certainly, I've read all of her Witchcraft nonfiction, and look forward to her next book, The Earth Path : Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature. I say she has been an indirect influence because, even more than her writing, I've been influenced by teachers and peers who are deeply influenced by Starhawk. I found a spiritual home in the Reclaiming Community, which Starhawk (along with others) was instrumental in creating.

Thorn Coyle has been a significant influence on me. Her interpretation of Feri Tradition, and the way she teaches and practices have influenced me deeply. There are others too; my initiators influence me of course, and there are other teachers in my local area who influence me as well. I've certainly been influenced and inspired by people I've known who practice deep devotion to their path--there have even been some Christians who've influenced me this way.

I've also been in a small and evolving group for the last four years, which developed into a coven two years ago, and which is now undergoing dramatic and exciting changes. My covenmates are of a similar experience level, and we explore our training together. They are, naturally, a significant influence on me, each in their own way. Watching my friend S. die was a major influence on me. My children influence me, in their individual strengths and weaknesses, in the ways they reflect me, and in the ways they do not.

Victor and Cora Anderson, who founded Feri Tradition, are major influences, as is the Zine of Feri Uprising, Witch Eye.

Liberation theology, Buddhism, superstring theory, the music of Tori Amos, and Enneagram work are other influences.

3. What skills, values, and/or areas of expertise do you seek in a spiritual mentor or teacher?

Devotion. Trustworthiness. Kindness. I seek those with a strong spiritual practice, knowledge of my chosen traditions, along with technical knowledge of magic and divination.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Politics, again

Witchvox is running a poll right now to see how Pagans are voting. As of this morning, the results are as follows:

If the US Presidential Election were held today, whom would you vote for?
John F. Kerry (D) 68.6%
George W. Bush (R) 12.8%
Ralph Nader (I) 5.8%
Eligible - Not Voting 4.1%
Michael Badnarik (L) 3.7%
Other 3.2%
David Cobb (G) 1.5%
Michael Peroutka (C) 0.3%

Total Votes Cast: 4476

I must say I'm really surprised to see Bush doing as well as he is. Are there Republican trolls voting? Do some Pagans really favor the policies of George W. Bush? Am I so entrenched in my own world view that I completely lack any comprehension of that possibility? Could be. At any rate, this poll appears to be running until Sunday (9/5). They say they'll do another poll in October as well, so stay tuned.

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