Several months ago, I saw the book Mason-Dixon Knitting at a big chain bookstore. I'm a big believer in independent bookstore, but you know, sometimes the big ones are just easier to find stuff at.
Anyway, I perused the book, and really liked it, but didn't want to spend the money on it that day. But I went back out and bought the book a few weeks ago, and now I CAN'T STOP KNITTING!
I'm knitting these "warshcloths" like crazy.
I also bought several skeins of Blue Sky cotton in tomato, stone, fern, and toffee. My idea was to make a log cabin blanket. I can't decide, though, whether I should knit the Moderne Log Cabin from the book (plan A); log cabin style covers for the throw pillows in our front room, as a test (plan B); or throw caution to the wind and just start log cabining with this lovely yarn (plan C). But that's OK, I can always knit more warshcloths while I'm making up my mind!
Anyway, love, love, love the Mason-Dixon knitting!
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