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I've got worms! No, not that kind. This kind:

I'm starting a vermicomposting (worm composting) project at home. It all started when Hubby asked me to clean out the compost bins in our yard. He's somewhat handicapped, so there's no way he could do this chore. The compost bins had been there for quite some time, and there was lots of old brown material, not decayed or composted much at all, in both bins. While I was cleaning out the Earth Machine, I started thinking that we should really try composting a little more seriously. I mean, wouldn't it be a great thing to do with garden scraps and all those coffee grounds I throw out every morning?

So I started to look into regular composting, but I quickly decided that we might not have enough "brown" waste (dried leaves, dry grass, straw, etc.) for standard composting. In retrospect, that's probably not really true, but I'm very lazy, and it sounded like a lot of work, keeping the green/brown balance right and so on. Certainly, it seemed that just dumping stuff into the bin and ignoring it for three years wasn't really doing the trick.

In come the worms. Red wigglers, to be specific. In fact, in an amazing moment of synchronicity, I picked up Starhawk's new book, The Earth Path, and open up to... you guessed it, worm composting! Besides, I'm focusing my elemental work this year on Earth, so composting fits right into that.

So I went to the local nursery, but found that they don't sell worms. They turned me on to a local worm farm, though, and I ordered my worms last week. I shredded a bunch of newspaper for their bedding and put it in the Earth Machine this morning. By the way, the Earth Machine isn't for worm composting, and it's really bigger than would be ideal, but I think it'll work fine. My son called me on my lunch break today to let me know my worms were delivered this afternoon. I'm very excited, and ready to go home and tuck in my wormies! Photos of my worms and bin to come.

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