Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Initiation Reading

Initiation reading: What do I need to do to move toward my initiation?

I like this reading quite a bit.

1: Ace of Cups. Opening the heart, allowing emotions to flow freely. Let the cup of my heart overflow. Gratitude, love, emotional awareness and opening.

2: The Aeon. Being reborn. Using judgement and discernment to begin anew. Bringing elements together to give birth to a new way of being, a new age in my own life.

3: Knight of Wands. Spiritual mastery, skillful use of my own energy. Courage and fierceness, fearlessness. A willingness to leap forward into the fray of life.

I'm back

Frankly, I've just been too depressed over the election to write anything. I've been burying my head in Sims2 and books about poetry. But my blog's stagnation is starting to depress me, so I'm back to it. Not like I get that many hits here anyway...

I used to consider myself a writer, but I really gave up writing several years ago. Then I picked up Matthew Fox's new book, Creativity.

Among other things, Fox posits that creativity is a sort of revealing; I see it as the revealing of the Self, and I suspect this is why I gave up writing.

Because the truth is, I have not been very interested in really revealing myself. I fear rejection. I fear being different. Which makes me a little sad, because the truth is we are each different. Fearing this is akin to fearing my own true Self.

So I started thinking about why I gave up writing, and what writing means to me. I couldn't put my finger on why I started a blog, except that I felt it would be an interesting experience, and a place to process my work, ideas, whatever. Now I see it as where my writing saw a chance to sneak out of me.

I'm not making it sneak out anymore. I've even written some poetry lately... bad poetry to be sure, but it's just for me, and I haven't really worked out my poetry muscles in an awfully long time. But I can feel something moving inside me (not in a scary, "The Believers" way), and I'm feeling ready to discover it.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Until I said it was working...

I was pleased and surprised to see my blogroll suddenly working yesterday, but as soon as I posted that it was working, it went away again. Ack! What the devil is wrong with it?!?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


My blogroll's working again. Cool!

Denial and Anger

The Rude Pundit

Brilliance from The Rude Pundit:

The Five Stages of Grieving For George Bush's Re-Election
Stage 1: Denial

Yeah, yeah, we know, we know, we know, we fucking know - Ohio was, in theory, still up in the air. We know that Kerry could have eked out a victory there if there were enough absentee and provisional ballots, and, frankly, every vote should be counted. And, yeah, yeah, we know, we know, we know, Christ, how we know that we'll never know if there was rampant fraud through the use of touch screen voting and voter roll purges and other irregularities throughout the country. But without a whistleblower, anyone who accuses Bush of winning because of fraud is going to be marked as an insane conspiracy theorist. And, besides, back in 2000, we were pushing so hard for Florida to go to Gore because, well, Gore won the popular vote and there was demonstrable voter fraud. But, you know, we're talking 3.5 million votes in Bush's favor. We're talking gains for Republicans in the Congress. We're talking 11 ballot measures that ban gay marriage. Which means even if there's a miracle of miracles and Kerry had "won," we've still lost. Which means we must move on to Stage 2: Anger.

A Nation of Savages:
We are a nation of savages. That is what we decided last night. We belong to the "most advanced" society in the history of the world, and we decided that we would rather be barbarians, hunched over fire pits, ripping meat off the bones of our enemies, raping our women, howling out at the gods for peace in the afterlife.
Click on The Rude Pundit to read the rest.


Another four years of the Fuckup-in-Chief.

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