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To spin, perchance to dream

I just ordered this: Skeintily Clad's Learn to Spin Yarn Kit

The Very Exciting sell copy is below. And yes, I did hear about in Bust.

Want to try making your own yarn? Here is everything you need to start making your own, all in one box! As featured in Bust Magazine (April/May '06)

    it includes:
  • 1 beginner drop spindle. Can be configured 4 different ways, so you can try out different spinning styles.

  • 1 oz each of FOUR different breeds of wool. 2 are handpainted, 2 are white. This wool sampler gives you a chance to start with an 'easy' wool and work your way up to scrumptious merino. NEW: all wool in this kit now comes from local, independantly owned farms. You get a chance to try a variety of types of wool, but also support indie business!

  • 'So You Wanna Spin Your Own Yarn?' Spinning Instruction booklet written and illustrated by Skeintily Clad! unique, can't be found anywhere else. This is completely unique and not available from any other beginner spinning kit out there.

  • Informational pamphlet of my favorite resources for spinning and dyeing.

Colors vary in every kit. If you have specific requests, let me know and i will try to accomodate.

Very attractively packaged, it makes a wonderful gift for your knitting friend that mentioned wanting to learn spinnig. Maybe your SnB buddy? Hello, Secret Pal gift?! Also a great gift for crafty kids, its SO easy for them to pick it up and get started making their own yarn!

OK, so I'd been thinking about learning spinning for a while now. Not like a serious need or anything, just one of the vague and nebulous ideas bouncing around up there in my noggin. But then, Hubby discovered a show called Knitty Gritty on the D.I.Y. Network.

"Hey," he said. "Look, here's a knitting show for you," and he flipped the channel. Yes, indeed, he flipped it to a knitting show, which he then proceeded to watch with me. What a great husband, eh?

Anyway, my point is that they were doing a show on spinning. They showed how to make a drop spindle out of a wooden dowel, an eyehook, and a couple of old CDs. And of course, they demonstrated spinning with the drop spindle, as well as with several big spinning wheels. They spent considerably less time on the wheels, because they are big and expensive and I'm sure people who use spinning wheels aren't the beginners this episode was clearly for.

Then, when I saw the mention of this kit in Bust... well, that just sealed the deal. I hope it gets here by the end of the week, and then I can play around with it all weekend!

hi there-
the all knowing interweb has sent me to your blog! glad to see you are excited about your kit. I sent it out yesterday, i hope it arrives quickly. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions once you get started.

Skeintily Clad

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