Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Christians following Jesus' example

I just read a really lovely excerpt from the Christian Alliance for Progress The Jacksonville Declaration.

We cannot imagine a Jesus who would say:

"You are strong and powerful; your ideals are noble. Make war to spread those ideals."
"The end is near - So it doesn't matter what you do to my Father's creation."
"Heal the sick - Provided they can pay."
"All are welcome at the table - As long as they are the same as we are."
"Follow me - And help me form a government to force others to follow."

Do you believe such statements truly reflect Christian or American values? Do these views follow what Jesus taught? Do you think it is genuinely American to steer our country toward a Christian theocracy? Is it Christian to foster intolerance? Is this the path to which Jesus leads us?

We say "No". Instead, we say "Yes" to values Jesus plainly and passionately practiced. Listen to his words:

"I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
-- John 13:34-35

For the entire Declaration, please click on Jacksonville Declaration.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Blog templates

So, I've wasted altogether too much time at work today checking out blog templates, because mine is getting boring. To me, anyway.

Here are some of the sites I've been visiting:

Not (That) Ugly
The Realm of Possibility Templates
The Design Booth
Anti Ivy
Quixiotic Pixels

I wound up choosing the current template from The Realm of Possibility...

Female Orgasm

Another fine Mark Morford column, in which Mark explains that the female orgasm is, in fact, proof of God. I've always thought orgasm--whether male or female--is proof that God Herself loves us beyond all reason. More on God and orgasm in a future post.

Female Orgasm: Proof Of God

Science can't explain it, evolution can't understand it and men can only lie there in awe

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Friday, May 27, 2005

Women have orgasms because they can. Women have orgasms because it's the right thing to do.

Women have orgasms because by and large they refuse to launch monstrous ultraviolent illegal soul-deadening wars over oilsucking phallocentric powermad landwhoring BS powergrabs and therefore they fully deserve all the inexplicable otherworldly cosmically infused clitorally energized pleasures they can get.

Did you catch that keyword? That note of strangeness? It was right there, in the word inexplicable. Because apparently, as far as science is concerned and despite the obvious reasons I assert above, no one really seems to know exactly why women have orgasms at all.

Observe, won't you, a new book by a soft-spoken scientist named Dr. Elisabeth Lloyd, from Indiana U, that basically claims there is no justifiable evolutionary need for the female orgasm whatsoever, that it really serves no known biological purpose and that it's becoming, therefore, increasingly obsolete and redundant and more or less unnecessary.

(to read the rest, click on the column title above)

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