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Witches Weekly: Random Questions

Random Questions

Witches Weekly for the week of August 21, 2004

Have you ever been confronted with a decision you had to make that conflicted with your spiritual beliefs? If so, what, and how did you deal with it?

Well, I can't seem to think of one offhand... one of my things has always been to be honest about who I am, by which I mean I don't lie or duck questions about my religion or my sexuality. I may not share openly with everyone, but if asked a direct question, I answer truthfully. This has sometimes been difficult or uncomfortable, and has freaked some people out, although almost never the people that I think will be freaked out by it.

What was your most spiritual moment?

Each one is fresh and new; how can I compare them? Still, I would have to recall certain moments as particularly moving. Watching a skyclad priestess (was she in aspect? I can't recall) speaking the Charge of the Goddess at a Witchcamp. Reading my poetry to the Goddess out loud during an invocation at camp, while maybe a dozen others read theirs out loud at the same time. My first Feri ritual. My first Reclaiming ritual. The first time I aspected. Calling in the Peacock God. And all the moments where I have broken down, weeping in front of my altar, full of joy, full of pain, full of love, full of the gods and my Self.

Has there ever been a moment where you doubted the path you were on? If so, how did you deal with it?

Quite recently, I became filled with doubts, not about my path per se, but about whether I wanted to be on it. If I see the truth about myself, if I become fierce and powerful and shimmering, do I really want the consequences of that? There are easier paths to follow, even within Witchcraft, than the ones I have chosen. How did I deal with these doubts? I remembered how much I wanted this path, how it's the one that really seems to fit who I am. I remembered how long I have been called to this, how I've longed for the opportunities I've been given over the last three or four years. Do I really want to throw away what I've been offered? Hell no!

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