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The Beast from the Depths of Chaos

A great article by Jennifer Van Bergen from NYC Indymedia....

With all that the Bush administration does or does not do, it is remarkable that no one in the progressive community has yet bothered to do an astrological analysis of the charts of its key members. Here, therefore, I remedy this appalling failure on the part of the progressive press. Whether you believe in astrology or not, this analysis should provide you with some interesting insights into the characters of and relationships between the members of the Bush crew.
I have focused here primarily on the effects of two planets: Pluto and Saturn, between the charts of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld (and to a lesser extent, Ashcroft). Remarkably, there are an extraordinary number of Pluto and Saturn contacts between them.

Mythological Meanings of Saturn & Pluto

Even if you are not knowledgeable about astrology, you may know about the mythological meanings of the Greek gods. Pluto was the god of the Underworld. Pluto, “also known as the prince of darkness, governs the kingdom of the dead.”
While the planet Pluto is a tiny body and its existence was not confirmed until 1930, taking about 250 years to circle around the Sun, it is considered to be the ruling planet of the sign of Scorpio, which has been a recognized astrological sign for thousands of years. It’s a reasonable assignment, since the theme of both Pluto and Scorpio is the cycle of birth and death.

Pluto’s father was Saturn, also called Kronos, the keeper of Time. Saturn, the second largest planet in the solar system, taking almost 30 years to orbit the Sun, is the most remote of the seven visible planets. It was discovered in the 19th century. According to Greek mythology, Saturn overthrew his father, Uranus, by castrating him, and then ate his children, among whom were Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto.

Jupiter, who was rescued by his mother, Rhea, made Uranus disgorge all of the other children. Jupiter then exiled Saturn to Italy, where Janus gave him a home. There, Saturn “introduced such widespread prosperity that his reign was remembered as ‘the Golden Age,’” and the Romans celebrated this era each year at the end of December, with a festival known as “Saturnalia.”

The interplay, thus, of Pluto and Saturn is rich with deep archetypal meaning. Pluto contacts are often ignored by astrologers as being “generational influences,” but as astrologer Liz Greene says, “if one takes into account Pluto’s association with certain collective psychic energies, he has potentially a very powerful effect on individual man since each person must make his own pact with these collective energies.” In my experience, close Pluto contacts between the “personal planets” within the chart of an individual indicates some highly unhealthy and destructive propensities. A Saturn/Pluto combination is one of the deepest and darkest. I have found this combination more than any other in the charts of serial killers, as well as in those of persons with multiple personality disorder, who are not criminals but whose basic sense of self has been shattered by severe early traumas. It seems as though Saturn/Pluto can work either to break the spirit or irretrievably harden it.

While a number of the members of the Bush crew contain separate internal hard Pluto or Saturn aspects in their charts, none of them contain internal Saturn-to-Pluto contacts. However, remarkably, the charts of Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney contain numerous Pluto/Saturn contacts between them: that is, Pluto in one person’s chart connects to Saturn in another person’s chart, or to (personal) planets in various combinations.

Pluto/Saturn contacts are not often found between colleagues, since the contacts “will generally precipitate an immediate power struggle” in which “both people can sense that it is desperately important who wins this battle because it will decide who in the end controls the relationship.”

But if Saturn and Pluto pair up, such contacts indicate, to put it simply, a criminal enterprise, each person providing a prop to one or more other person’s darkest ambitions and pursuits. As Liz Greene says, “Pluto is Saturn’s only real friend in the planetary hierarchy, although, as the saying goes, with a friend such as this, one has no need of enemies.”

Go here to read the rest....

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