Witches Weekly: Politics
Witches Weekly for the week of August 28, 2004
Do you feel those with pagan beliefs should attempt to take more of a political stand?
By the way, I was very excited yesterday when I was watching the RNC protests, because I saw a bunch of witches chanting and doing a spiral dance in the middle of everything!
Is paganism openly accepted where you are from? (city,town,state)
Given your beliefs, what's one thing that a political figure could promise to you about your path, that would convince you to vote for them?
My first answer would be about religious freedom. If they are really for it, and want equal treatment of all different faiths, I'd get behind that.
But in reality, there are two basic choices: Democrats and Republicans. All a politician really has to say to me is that he's a Democrat, and I'll pick him or her over the Republican every single time. I'm a yellow-dog Democrat, no doubt.
Third parties are not, I repeat, not, in a position to win a national office at this time in this country! I appreciate their efforts and think them worthwhile generally, but I believe alternate parties need to start locally before they can even dream of winning the Presidency. Ralph Nader could say absolutely nothing to persuade me to vote for him. I think he really hurt Al Gore last time, and he is clearly hurting Kerry's chances this time. It's true that neither of the main candidates are a perfect match for my beliefs, but Kerry comes a hell of a lot closer than Bush does. Our government needs reform, but you don't remodel the house while it's on fire. Let's put the Bush-fire out first, by electing John Kerry, then we can work on reform.
Note, after reading some of the other Witches Weekly responses:
I hope some of those who are posting that they don't trust politicians, are uninterested in politics, or simply may not vote, will reconsider. Politicians are problematic, no doubt, but they have real power in our country and influence all of our lives to some degree. Please consider voting for the politician whose views seem to come closest to your own. Even though you may not LOVE your choice, at least you will know you helped prevent something even worse.