This work came to me via a Reclaiming related email list. I will participate in this work, and encourage other witches--especially Reclaiming Trad witches--to participate as well. I do not know Alia personally, but wish to thank her and her fellow witches for this spell. (Links added by me.)
The "Yes" Counterspell, an individual and collective creation inspired and designed by Alia as a direct response to the mainstream Culture of Fear and the current state of socio-political Deadness. It is intended to augment the Spell for a World of Peace and Justice established during the Dandelion Gathering. We country folk felt the timing for this spell would be appropriate considering all that which is happening in NYC this weekend.
If you like what you see please consider sending it on to other list-serves.
Blessing to us all in these amazing times. May we collect our precious moments of joy and send the juice of our cauldrons forward to where they are needed most!
Spellworking for November Election: The Cauldron of Life
The Cauldron of Life is a personal and collective spellworking that we have created as part of building and sharing energy in our Reclaiming collective for our magic making and political actions for the November elections. It is meant as a support to the collective spellwork of the Dandelion Gathering.
The essence of this magic is simple and powerful - the counterspell to the deadening force/spell of our mainstream world (of which Bush et al. are supreme agents for) is for each of us to say Yes to the deepest currents of creation, joy, love, life, power, passion that run through and surround us in this overwhelmingly beautiful, abundant and gracious place called Earth. Core to this spellworking is the conscious choice of Yes to life while fully naming, taking responsibility for, and standing in resistance to the deadness spell – on the personal and collective levels.
It is from our standing naked and open in the depth of the horror and sickness of our species that the tide can turn at its deepest source, and we can begin to banish the deadness spell by crying out and calling to life. It is from our rising personal and collective passion for life that we can consciously choose and commit ourselves to the Yes counterspell and its tremendous transformational powers, and that we can build the energy to overthrow the powers of deadness and domination in our own souls and in our world.
[Below are] the details of the Cauldron of Life spellworking for personal and collective magic making. The spell format is easy to integrate into your everyday life, and can be done alone or with a group. Add your own creative impulses to expand and bring complexity to this basic structure.
bb Alia, Myria and birch……..
The Cauldron of Life Individual Spellworking
Place a cauldron on your altar or in some special place.
Every time you have a "Yes to Life" experience, send this energy into your cauldron. These experiences can be anything that vibrates with the juicy, wondrous, joyful, sensual, creative pulse of life.
Every time you name and work against the deadness spell of the mainstream world, send this energy into your cauldron. This can be anything that is a naming, resisting and reclaiming in the face of the deadness spell, either in your own life or in the collective.
Sending energy can be just taking a moment, no matter where you are or what you are doing, to first fully take in/ingest the energy of the moment into your Self (inner cauldron) and then to direct this energy to your outer cauldron. It is taking that moment to affirm and make conscious, make visible, make palatable, the power of life in both the everyday and the profound – be it a political action, a moment of personal revelation and healing, a personal creation or appreciation of someone else’s creation, a beautiful sunset, a child’s touch, a delicious meal, a great orgasm….. the possibilities are endless because life is so gorgeous. It is a conscious recognition, drinking in and choosing of life in the face of the deadness spell that oppresses this planet and it many inhabitants.
Share your Cauldron of Life stories with others. In the face of an overwhelming mainstream media presence of fear, death, greed, horror, lies, crazy making…. Spread stories and energy of life, personal power, truth, juice, creation, joy….
Know that the Cauldron of Life is the alchemical meeting of the Deadness Spell and the Yes Counterspell. Both must be named, owned, made conscious, made visible. We witches hold the tension between these opposite forces, these opposite choices of Life and Deadness – the magic and personal/global transformation we seek to midwife as witches comes from stirring all of this into our brew, while always allying ourselves with the powers of Life.
Collective Spellworking
From the Dandelion Gathering spellworkings, we were asked to charge and then plant crystals in the Earth (June Full Moon) to create a web of light and energy linking members of the Reclaiming community.
To join our personal Cauldron of Life spellworkings to the Reclaiming collective, plant your crystal (if you haven’t already done so) and charge it with the intent of working with the Reclaiming Collective on the November elections, and with the intent to do Yes Counterspell magic. Call in heavy duty protection and invisibility from your Guides and Allies. Call in our Allies and open portals for the Power of Life to join us in this magic making. Activate your crystal as a node on the Reclaiming web.
Take your personal Cauldron of Life and when it is filled up with energy and power, pour it into your crystal node. In doing so, you are stirring your spellworking into the collective Cauldron so that we all can source, share and build up energy with our human and our Mysterious Ones allies. Warning from Hecate – you can breath in the vapors and you can source from this cauldron, but do not drink or touch the brew (unless you are specifically directed to do so).
This work can be done alone or with community groups sharing stories and doing ritual together. In all our workings, our Allies and the Powers of Life are just waiting for invitations to work together and for energy portals to be opened for them to join us.
Any other spellworking and political action you do in relation to the November election can be added to your crystal node, and stirred into our magical Cauldron. In the creative chaos of following our personal and group impulses for magic and action, we can build a complex and invincible base of magical energy and power. Together, human and Mysterious Ones, we can create a tidal wave of Life which no part of the Deadness Spell will be able to withstand.
Examples of info. coming through this spellworking
Individual work: “Let us never more be overcome by the pain and suffering and horror that can be life. Let us never more forget that these are but one set of choices, and other choices, life giving and life creating, and love making forces, can be unleashed in the place called Earth. And let us never forget that life and creation is the source of All, that it knows no equal in the Universe, and nothing can hold it back when the soul of one individual chooses Life, with no doubt and no looking back. Let us ally ourselves with those that call to Life. And in doing so, let us not gloss over the powers of death and despair and fear all around us. Let us name them, let us make clear their foothold in our lives, in our world, in our souls. Let us not be afraid to show them in the light of day, while staying firmly grounded evermore in the crossroads of change, of choice, of life calling to life.”
Collective work: “In their singing others came across that invisible void – first in ones and twos, and then in droves. Until the whole green grass was alive with dancing, singing, Shining beings. Good…. there are enough of us to begin. And one by one, sister to sister, and brother to brother, they joined hands and sang in unison. Sang with a depth and power that shattered all around them. Their singing brewed up a storm of such strength and ferocity that nothing could withstand it. Then as one unified group, they walked forward, back through the invisible barrier. And as they did so the green world and grass, and the brilliance of the new dawn light came with them, turning all that was gray and lifeless to light. And the barrier that divided the two worlds caught on them, like threads of a spider’s web – fine and delicate, and so easily torn asunder. And then it was gone, the barrier was gone, and the light poured through. Like water breaking through a long standing dam. And it poured forth, carrying them and their laughter, like bright diamonds in a bleak world. And nothing could stop this outpouring of water, and light, and song, and joy.”
So Mote it Be!